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Every so often a model comes along who stands the test of time and leaves a lasting impression on the industry as a whole. With storied careers that hit every high note and reputations for professionalism and excellence these women are the standard by which other models are judged. More often than not their career trajectories push them outside the world of fashion and into television, film, entrepreneurship and philanthropy, transforming them into household names and even corporate entities.

More than anything it is longevity and widespread recognition that puts the legends in their own league. Some of the criteria we evaluate for this list include the following:

- At least 25 recent years of high profile work with top magazines, photographers and brands.
- Media presence outside of the fashion industry and widespread name recognition.
- Work that is considered iconic in nature i.e.. campaigns, covers & television commercials.
Tyra Banks Current TOP campaigns (past 2 years)